Tuesday, June 3, 2008

pictures from the shoot yesterday

Like I said in yesterday's post - my dear friends were kind enough to let me take some pics of their adorable family! We went to one of our older parks that actually has fully grown trees - a total novelty around the Santa Clarita Valley . . . I think I got a few cute shots. This park wasn't as great a location as I had thought it would be - too many cars in the background to avoid - I mean, who wants a big ol' car behind your adorable child? Not me!

So, I will be looking for better parks in the area - got a suggestion? (preferably in SCV)

Aren't they three of the most adorable kids?!?!?! Totally rhetorical, especially since Ellie and Drake are married! :o)


Kelli I. said...

ADORABLE! Great pictures of a sweet family!

Anonymous said...

Those are SUCH good pictures! And I didn't see ANY cars in the background! :)