Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hey there faithful family and friends! Thank you for your prayers and keep 'em comin!

We went to my doctor today - Dr. Frields - and, yet again, the baby was not cooperating and didn't really allow us to get any good pictures. He mentioned that around 22 weeks is really a good time to start getting more accurate pictures of the baby's heart - I am 20 1/2 weeks. He was encouraging - he let us know that this type of heart defect is quite common and easily fixed! Praise the Lord for that! I contend, if surgery of some sort is what needs to take place after our baby is born it will be far harder on us than it will ever be on our son or daughter!

As of now our hospital, Glendale Adventist, is equipped to deliver our baby! Yeah! Generally what happens, according to Dr. Frields, is that once the baby is born he/she will be assessed and sent home with us. We would then bring our little one back for follow-ups until the time they have determined for a surgery.

Dr. Frields was so good to remind us that it is God who is in charge and it is He who has created this little one! We feel so blessed to have a godly and skilled doctor on our side - in addition to God Almighty!!!

I can't rave enough about my doctor - he was so sweet and told us that we could come in as often as we wanted for ultrasounds to see the baby and how he/she is doing! We thought that was really kind and awesome!

So what happens next?

  • We will see the perinatologist in 3 weeks and from there will, most likely, be referred to a fetal cardiologist for a fetal EKG.
  • We see Dr. Frields again in 4 weeks - we opted to wait.
My brother asked a good question - he wanted to know what we were telling our girls - tonight we talked to Ellie and Lily (although I'm pretty sure Lily doesn't have any idea what is going on) and told them that the baby seems to be a little sick. We told them that we were trusting God and the doctors to see what we will need to do. Our prayer is that they see God work in a mighty way - that they see that He IS a God who answers prayers and that is concerned about all things!

Thank you again for your continued prayerful support! We certainly feel God working in our lives and know that our peace is ONLY from Our God Almighty!


Andrea Cervantes said...

Michelle, thanks for the updates. Never realized how helpful blogs can be. I am still praying and am so encouraged by your faith!

Anonymous said...

Great news! You guys are going to be such an example to your girls through all of this. Kids totally learn from how we handle trials! I have definitely been so encouraged by your firm trust in the Lord!

Megan Miller said...

So glad to hear the encouraging update.

Janet said...

your Mom told us the news, and we are praying for you all,
please know we care and will uplift you all before our great Lord, and ask God to give you wisdom, and to heal that precious little #3

Janet said...

I'm Janet Waters
and priveleged to share this journey with your family

mona ekstrand said...

Joyce Moore shared with me the news about your baby. I just wanted you to know that I am lifting your family and your precious baby up to the Lord. May you continue to trust in God's faithfulness each day and keep your eyes on Him. God has great plans for you and the life that is growing inside of you. May God give you continued strength and peace and joy in Him. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

We love you, we are praying for you.

Happy Hollie said...

Praying for you sister!!!