Monday, April 7, 2008

has it been two weeks????

Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that I have not blogged for about two weeks! How crazy is that?!?!?!

Girls are good - we just got back from the park - they were cracking me up - well, Lily was - she was rolling around in the sand. See, I look at that and think - YUCK!!!, but Lily, obviously, looked at the sand and thought - gee that would be so fun to roll around in and get all over my hair! Again, I say YUCK!!! But, she had fun - and really that is all that matters at the park!

Flavio is thrilled beyond words - he has been asked to represent MB Encino at The Masters - if you are saying "What is The Masters?", then you don't know how HUGE this is for him. The Masters is one of the major PGA Tour events and he has never been! In all the years he caddied, they never went - so this is HUGE!!! Apparently, all or most of the Mercedes dealerships around the country will be represented due to the fact that they provide the cars for the tour players. I am very excited for him!

As for me - in the past two weeks I have read two novels, worked on Ellie's Master's Kids scrapbook (that is due very shortly), watched a few movies (due to netflix free trial), and attempted to keep the house up and cook dinner - you know, the usual.

As far as the books that I just read - I love Lori Wick - she is a Christian author and I really love what she writes and how she does it - keeps you wanting more. I read her latest novel White Chocolate Moments - so good - I think it took me about three days due to the fact that people around here actually want to eat . . .

The second novel I read was an interesting and rather disturbing autobiography of Carolyn Jessop's life as a Fundamentalist Latter Day Saint (FLDS) - remember Warren Jeffs - the guy who married somewhere around 100 woman - some of which were as young as 14? Well, her story is amazing of how she escaped from a life of polygamy. I would definately recommend this book - really easy to read - called Escape
Just thought I'd let you know that I am alive and well, just busy with life and my sweet girls.

We are off to the zoo tomorrow, I am sure that I will have plenty of pictures to share.


Anonymous said...

I was starting to worry about you :). You have spoiled me with all of the updates and FABULOUS pictures. I have been dying to read the novel "escape" I'm glad you have and think it's worth the read. SOOOO excited for Flav, I know how much this means to him Enjoy the zoo! Hugs & Kisses for the girlz!!
PS - I'm with you on the whole sand thing....Yuck!
Auntie Karla

Kelli I. said...

Yeah, you're back to blogging! Jon and I are so excited for Flavio! It sounds like you are all doing great and keeping busy. We miss you.

The Iverson's