Tuesday, June 5, 2007

creativity at work

Ellie Grace loves to draw and paint. Today she wanted to do both - she did some water colors this morning and then drew some pictures before dinner. I loved this one - it is a picture of our whole family - from left to right - dada, ellie, mama, and lily, then our cat Bogey - see the four legs and tail. Isn't that too cute? The squiggly lines are words - she is asleep right now, otherwise I would tell you what the story was about.
I love to watch her little mind work, her imagination blows me away. I look at her and just smile! She brings so much joy to my life . . . I cannot even put it into words. She completely cracks me up - and to hear her laugh . . . there is no better sound on this earth than the belly laughs that come out of my precious girls. There is that show "Inside the Actor's Studio" and at the end of each interview James Lipton asks the actor/actress a series of the same questions and one is "What is your favorite sound or noise?" and every single time I think of the sound of my children laughing - the laughter that comes from their toes - the sweetest, purest laughter. Oh how I love that sound!
Good news! Grandma is coming home (well not to her home, but to my aunt's house and then to my mom's) on Saturday! I cannot believe that she is ready to come home from the hospital. She is so strong and making such good progress. I am so proud of her.

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