Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Danny!

You'd think I had a more recent picture - I'm sure I do, I just don't have the time to weed through my thousands of pictures . . . he still looks the same - Ellie has changed just a bit!

Ok, I am a terrible sister!!! Yesterday was Danny's birthday - I won't mention how old he is in an effort to protect myself! :o) Anyways, the day got away from me and here I am at 7 o'clock in the evening on the day AFTER his birthday.

If you know Danny you know what a special individual he is - I mean that seriously and not in the "special needs" way it seems to have come out! Shall I try to dig my foot out even more? Ok, I'll just go on . . . to be honest I didn't always get along with Danny while we were growing up . . . apparently (according to him) I liked to "mother him" - I have absolutely NO recollection of said events, but be that as it may - we had our ups and downs. Fast forward a few decades and add some maturity (on both ends) and Danny is a man I feel honored to call my brother and friend! He is a godly man, husband, and father - it is a true joy to watch him with not just his own children, but with mine - he is so sweet and tender and caring and TOTALLY CRAZY!!! Let's just say he freaked me out a bit this summer as he was hurling my precious Ellie Girl into the swimming pool - she survived . . . BARELY! :o)

At the risk of being entirely too sappy . . . I love you Danny and, although I tried desperately over the years to pawn you off on any unsuspecting stranger, I am so happy that you are my brother!!! I hope that your birthday was as "Special" as you are!! (take that however you want!!!)

ps - did you notice . .. I didn't elaborate on how much I love Peter for his birthday - he just got a picture - so you must be my favorite! :o)

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