Friday, September 26, 2008

how are we doing?

I've been meaning to do this post for a while, but time has gotten away from me . . . oh that dreaded time!

Anyways, we get asked this question a lot and don't mind getting it one bit, but I thought I'd answer it here. It is a very obvious question and one that I have asked others or thought to ask others going through "various trials" - How are they doing??? How are they getting through the day - my mind wanders to our dear friends the Kostjuks - and I think I have a small understanding of how they are doing what they are doing and how they are going through their days - they are carried by the grace of God!

We are doing good! We don't feel like we are surviving or just getting by, but honestly we are doing good! The fact that our baby appears to have a significant heart defect isn't controlling our days and we would say that it is by the Grace of God!!! It is because of our dear brothers and sisters in Christ who are faithfully upholding us in prayer - God is answering those prayers - we have a peace about all that is going on! That is not to say that God is going to heal our baby, He may well do that and that would be to His Glory, but we know that God is in control and we are wide-eyed aware of all that has been shared with us by our doctors, but are choosing to trust wholly in Our Lord for His outcome.

We cannot thank you enough for praying for us, our baby, and our precious girls! We are tremendously grateful! Our prayer has been and still is that God would be glorified in all that is done here!

What is next for us?
We are actually heading out of town tomorrow - for a week!!! Yeah!!! Can't wait!
We will meet with the Perinatologist on October 9th for a follow-up visit.
We meet with my OB on October 15th for my monthly visit and to get his take on what was said and done the week before.

We are so blessed to be loved by so many!


Kelli I. said...

Many prayers and Much love for your sweet family. Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! It is a blessing to me just to read it. I will be praying for all of you.
Kathy Likes

Andrea Cervantes said...

Thank you for your updates. You are still in my thoughts and prayers. Look forward to more updates after your appts. So encouraged by how the Lord is upholding you!