Wednesday, July 23, 2008

good news

Well, I just got back from the doctor - he gave me good news - HE TOLD ME THAT I WAS ALLOWED TO SIT UP!!!!!!!!!! I know that might not seem like good news to those of you on the outside, but for someone who has been laying down FLAT for the last 5 days this is HUGE!!!!!!!! Oh, the baby is good too - heartbeat is strong!!!! Yeah!!! So double good news! So if all goes well, I should be up and around fairly soon!!
Very exciting!
Thanks to all of you who have been praying for me!

The girls are having a great time today - they are spending the entire day with their daddy - last I talked to him and he had made "cheesy eggs", gone swimming, and were buying up all of costco! What a sweet daddy!


Kelli I. said...

So thankful to hear that mom and baby are doing good. Keep resting! I'm sure your little girls had a fun day with daddy. He'll have to make us "cheesy eggs" when we visit next time. :)
Take Care!

Mommy Roth said...

Congratulations! It was good to see you and sorry I didn't know the scoop about your little one coming. How exciting for you and I pray that you get rest and can have an uneventful pregnancy.
Take Care,
Elizabeth Roth

Megan Miller said...

oh Michelle, I'm sorry your on bed rest! I'm so thankful the baby is doing well. Trust you will be up and moving soon. I'm starting to get over the lovely first trimester ickies. This time around I've been having a lot of headaches that last for 3-4 days. But other than that I feel pretty good. How are you feeling?