Wednesday, July 30, 2008

another update - what is this like .. .#25????

so, I saw the doctor today - everything is good! The baby is growing - actually he/she was so busy moving around that we still were unable to get a decent picture. The last couple of times the baby has been curled up in a ball and this time he/she was kicking and moving - a gymnast apparently!

I am allowed to resume my normal activities, but SLOWLY!!! I guess that is the key word!!! This time I will be better and not try to do a weeks worth of work in one day. What I find funny is that my mom and grandma are telling me that I need to stay down and not do anything . . . as if they would have sat still too!!!! I come from a long line of woman who just don't know how to STOP!!! I guess I should add that to my list of lessons learned - it's ok to let others do things for you and to stop when your body tells you too!!!

My sister-in-law, Laura, was so sweet and took the girls to McDonalds the other day! They had a great time - I mean who wouldn't - cousins, mcdonalds, auntie . . .what's not to like????

Hopefully the remainder of this pregnancy will be uneventful and just NORMAL!!!!!!!!! But, no matter - I am thankful for a Sovereign God who is in charge of ALL things - he knows what I can handle and what my family can handle. This has been a good time to just trust the Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you can really rest, knowing that it is the best thing you can do right now AND that there will be plenty of running around to do very soon!! Get those feet up, girl!!