Thursday, October 4, 2007

daddy's home . . . HIDE!!!

I don't think there is any sweeter time than before daddy comes home! The girls get so excited and don't really know what to do with themselves! Especially now with his new job, there are weeks where the girls are in bed before he gets home . . . Lily was so excited that she made a little "fort" between the couch and the coffee table to hide in (remember she is only 19 months old, so her fort skills require some fine tuning). So cute!!!

So he got home . . . and Lily proceeded to eat his dinner (she had already eaten)! This little one lives by the motto - have food, will eat!!! Isn't that the cutest - daddy sharing his dinner with his little girl. Oh I just love these babies so much! Praise God for His goodness and graciousness in giving them to us!

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