Thursday, November 1, 2007


Let me first begin by saying that we do not celebrate Halloween as a holiday in any way, instead we allow the girls to dress up - in nice, sweet costumes and get candy. That is all that Halloween is to us - a way to meet some neighbors and get free candy! Sounds good to me!!! If you are interested in a greater understanding of our views of this "holiday" you can read this article - we go towards the third scenario talked about. Anyways, here are some pictures from our fun night of candy getting!

I love this picture of Flavio and Ellie. Is there any better visual of love - a 6'1" man holding the hand of his little princess as they go trick-or-treating (mind you - something that Flavio is not terribly fond of due to the evil characters that some people allow their children to dress up as - scares our little girls to death!)

Just put your cursor over the pictures for a little description.

I know you are probably thinking - for people who don't celebrate Halloween their kids dress up a lot. We had to take our car back to Ford and then see Flavio at his work, so I thought I'd dress the girls up and show up at Mercedes with my two little princesses. All of Flav's co-workers thought the girls were so adorable (I mean, really, who wouldn't?!?!?! Maybe that is just me!!)

Hope you all had a great evening getting and giving candy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love your blog. You do such a good job. I get the biggest kick at all of the picture. What an awesome way to update everyone.
