Monday, January 28, 2008

weekend in review

Well, here is what happened this weekend in the Castro family . . .
Friday started out normal - Lily had boogies, but nothing to be concerned with - it was clear and her breathing was a bit wheezy so I was giving her her breathing treatment (the girls have asthma). As the day progressed her breathing didn't seem to be getting better, but it didn't really seem to be getting worse. We put her down for bed around 8, gave her some tylenol or motrin (can't remember which at the moment), turned the humidifier on and off to sleep she went. That is until 12:22 (don't you just love digital clocks!)! She woke up crying and really struggling for breath. Not a fun time. Flavio and I looked at each other trying to figure out what to do and . . . off to the ER I went. We checked in at about 1am and ended up leaving a little before 5am! The long and the short of it after a chest x-ray and a breathing treatment the dr said she has pediatric pneumonia and sent us home with a steroid, an antibiotic, and a flovent refill (inhaler). A fun way to spend your Saturday morning! It is amazing that through a crazy time like that I can still see how God was so gracious to us -

  • Lily is doing great and running around like there is nothing wrong.
  • But even practically in the small things - when we got to the ER there weren't very many people there - there was one mother with her small son before us, but that was it. Because I said that Lily was having trouble breathing we were taken right away - we got one of the last beds (in a room) in the ER. By about 3:30 am - they were putting people on beds in the hallway.
  • Lily was so good - she just snuggled up with me finally falling asleep for about 45 minutes.
  • She was so cute - she kept grabbing my shoulder and saying "m' on" - come on - she was ready to go - she had had enough and wanted to get home.
  • Flavio was off this weekend! God knew we would need him home!
We go to the doctor today to see how she is doing. She is as happy as ever - Praise the Lord.

Well, that was pretty much the "highlight" of the weekend. Ellie still got to go to both of the birthday parties she had been invited to - we took turns I took her on Saturday and Flav took her yesterday.

Hope you had a great weekend free of trips to the ER!


Anonymous said...

Please give Lily Bear a big hug and kiss from Auntie Karla.
Hope the doctor appointment goes well.

Kelli I. said...

We're so thankful that you are feeling a little better. Say "hello" to your Mom, Dad and Sister. We miss you all!

The Iverson's

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!
Got your message...I know, Josh is making me feel old too! He's going in to get his driving permit this week! Ugh!
Glad your little girl is feeling better...Hannah had pneomonia over Christmas scary when they can't breathe.
God Bless!