Wednesday, January 30, 2008

boo hoo!!!

Well, today we went and picked up a Kindergarten registration packet for Ellie. :::WAHHH!!!!::: She told me the other day not to worry because she wasn't going to school right now! Kindergarten roundup is at the end of February and I was prepared to camp out in order to get morning kindergarten, but they don't work that way at this school, so I will have to trust God that He will place Ellie with the teacher that He has planned for her in the time that He has for her. I will be praying for morning, but trusting Him.

Ellie was so excited to see kids playing in the kindergarten yard as we walked by. She has it all planned out that she and Lily can play on the swings together at "the park". She was also thrilled to see that they have sand and decided that she should wear her flip-flops - cause thats what you wear in the sand. Too cute! I did have to tell her that she would need to wear actual shoes to school - that seemed fine with her as long as she got to play in "the park". I can see it now - we will have sand everywhere!!!!

1 comment:

Kelli I. said...

Yikes! I can't believe that Ellie will be starting Kindergarten. Where has the time gone?

Starting next year our Kindergarten will be full day...which means that in 2 1/2 years my little Ben will be in school all day. I will be an empty-nester...

Enjoy each moment with your little ones. They grow so fast.