Sunday, May 25, 2008

I've been tagged. . . six quirks

Well, I don't know if these are really "quirks", but Jenny tagged me and this is the best I could come up with. I'm sure some of you could help me uncover my true quirkiness, but we will leave it at these. Here are the rules -

* Link the person who tagged you.
* Mention the rules in your blog.
* Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag six bloggers by linking them. (They shall be "it")

Here goes . . .

1) I absolutely CANNOT stand anything that is artificial grape!!! Whether it is lollipops, chapstick, stickers, I don't care what it is but that odor really makes me ill!!! Ellie knows not to grab any purple candies. YUCK!!!

2) I'm not a big fan of others cooking my eggs - especially at a restaurant!!! It drives my husband crazy, but if I do order eggs they have to be "scrambled dry and hard!!!" No watery eggs for me. . . the idea makes me want to vomit right now!!!

3) If Jenny can use this, then so will I - heights!!! Totally afraid of them! Ask any of my family members that were with me as we entered The Empire State Building!!! If you aren't afraid of heights you don't understand the irrational rationale of one who is!

4) My beverage of choice is . . . WATER! I don't really drink anything other than water - an occasional lemonade. . . but that is pretty rare. I just like water.

5) 100% Pure Maple Syrup!!! Is there anything other than that to use on waffles or pancakes??? Again, this kinda drives Flav crazy, but I won't eat waffles or pancakes or french toast without the Grade A, Dark Amber, 100% Maple Syrup! Just love the stuff!!!

6) Again, I'm right there with Jenny - I totally love my computer and anything having to do with the Internet. I was actually called a Geek the other day and took that as a compliment. I'd never been called a geek before (if you saw my grades you'd totally understand why!) But I guess I am a bit of a techno-geek. If my dad got a new electronic device I was usually the one to hook it up. I could spend hours on the computer doing just about anything.

I don't know how quirky that makes me . . . but those are the best I could think of.
So, now it is your turn - Kelli I, Tracy, Ashley, Laura, Wendy, and Kelli E.


Jenny M. said...

Good job! That is so funny about Grape stuff...must be all that Dimetapp we had to take as kids :-)

Hope you're having a fun long weekend! I've been loving your pics!

michelle said...

Must be . . . and I can't quite understand why all of the meds are grape!!!!! Finally, they've come out with bubble gum or cherry - so much better!

Thanks - it's fun to rediscover a forgotten love. I take my mom's camera with me everywhere - she doesn't think she is getting it back, but I promise she is . . . just not sure when! :o)

Enjoy your weekend! Talk to you soon.