Wednesday, May 7, 2008

last field trip

Yesterday was our last field trip with Master's Kids. (boo hoo!!) It doesn't seem possible that our year is coming to an end. We have had so much fun and made such wonderful friends - this will definitely be a year of terrific memories. We went to The Aquarium of the Pacific - what an amazing way to see all that God's oceanic creations!

Flav asked how the aquarium was and this is what Ellie said,
"Daddy, it was a ZOO!!"

I think she got that from me, cause I kept saying how busy it was!

It was quite busy - there were a lot of schools there, but we had a great time. The girls had so much fun looking and touching all of the animals. Not surprising, Lily was much more inclined to touch the animals - Ellie wanted to look from a distant . . . again, not a shock!

We had lunch on the grass overlooking the Queen Mary - the kids had so much fun chasing the birds away and "accidentally" feeding the annoying birds. We were exhausted by the end of the day, but so much fun!!!

There are a couple pictures of Caleb's (my nephew) baseball game. By the time we got back to the valley we realized that he had a game so we ran over there for a bit. I cannot believe he is so big. He pitched two innings and did a great job!!! The girls had so much fun running around the field and getting filthy!!!!

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