Monday, June 16, 2008

ellie's turn

Ellie was looking out our bedroom window at a few of our neighbors' backyards . . .

E: "Mama, those people with the kitchen in their backyard?" (I know that isn't really a question, but she posed it as one)
M: "Yes"
E: "They need to do some mow-lawning!"
M: "Hmm?"
E: "The other neighbors, who don't have the kitchen, their yard is PERFECT!"
M: "What do the other neighbors need to do?"
E: "some mow-lawning!"

Well, there you go . . . anyone need some "mow-lawning" done?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so funny because Ewan used to say, "Mama, we need to lawn the mow!!"