Thursday, June 12, 2008

how long has it been????

Oh my goodness!!!! I can't believe it has been over a week since my last post! What is going on??? You'd think I had other things to do than just sit here . . . oh, that's right I guess I do have a few things going on . . . ok, now I don't feel so bad.

Let's see, what has been going on here??? A lot of swimming! Ellie is becoming the little mermaid I knew she could be. She even jumped in the pool yesterday at the 4 1/2 marker - huge for her - of course, it helped that her daddy was right there waiting to catch her. Lily, on the other hand, is pretty sure that she can swim! Overconfidence runs deep in my family :o). She has learned that she MUST wait until I am in the pool to catch her (and let me tell you - the pool is FREEZING - by my standards, of course, people in Antarctica would probably bathe in this water, but I am a wimp!!!) - so she has to pretty much push me in the pool and then she can have her fun. It is so amazing to see how these two little girls are so different and yet so similar.

Something cute. . .
Ellie and Lily have been really enjoying each others company - it is so sweet. I often find them in the play room - dressing, undressing, and dressing again their Polly Pockets. They do have the scuffle here and there, but by and far are playing really nicely together - what a blessing! Praise the Lord!

The other night we were driving home from dinner and Lily noticed the stas (stars). So I asked her "who made the stars?" to which she replied, "desus" (Jesus) So I went on asking her - "who made the moon?" "desus" and so on. After I had asked her about a few different things that "desus" had created we were quiet and then I heard this . . . "umm, 'bout, dada?" So, I asked her "who made dada?" - "desus"
L: "umm, 'bout, mama?"
M: "who made mama?"
L: "desus"

L: "umm, bout, mankie?"
M: "who made your blankie?"
L: "umm, desus"

So cute - we went on and on like this for quite a while - I just think it is so sweet to see her little heart and her understanding, that God or Jesus did create all things - even her mankie!

Hope you have a blessed day - I will post pics when I get a chance. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so are really good at spelling the words that Lily says in such a way that I can hear her saying it like that!! What an adorable conversation!