Monday, February 25, 2008

birthday party!!!

Saturday was the BIG DAY ~ we had a birthday party for the girls (their birthdays are just 13 days apart with leap year). We did a family party - which is a crazy group in and of itself - I mean as far as numbers go, and well, if you know them, they are a crazy group and so much fun! Anyways here are a few pics!

We decorated cookies, Flavio took the kids down to the park for a bit, we ate pizza (love costco!!!), hit the pinata, ate cake, and opened presents! It was a great day!

I asked Ellie what the best part of the day was - thinking she'd tell me the cake or hitting the pinata or decorating cookies - nope - she said the best part was having all her family there! I thought that was so sweet!

1 comment:

Kelli I. said...

I love the picture of Grandma Cook. She is still gorgeous!